Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In the Waiting

AHHHHH! Lord how much longer until the promise is here??? I know I'm not the only one who has ever felt this. Choosing the best attitude is just that,
a choice. It must be made daily. Why? Because my attitude may determine just how long this journey is. So I'm constantly looking for something else
to learn and appreciate. When it gets overwhelming I may cry. Then realize I'm a grown up having a pity party. This won't do. So now what? Worship!
It's all I know to do to put me in a better mood. Not to mention HE is more than worth it. He is more important than my dreams, desires, passions, etc.
He is MORE THAN ENOUGH!!! He is the most important thing in my life. All of the voids I think I have are filled better with HIM anyway. Then I realize
I can wait a little longer than I thought. Not to mention I let him know HE really is EVERYTHING and I've taken time to let Him know I love him.

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