Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In the Waiting

AHHHHH! Lord how much longer until the promise is here??? I know I'm not the only one who has ever felt this. Choosing the best attitude is just that,
a choice. It must be made daily. Why? Because my attitude may determine just how long this journey is. So I'm constantly looking for something else
to learn and appreciate. When it gets overwhelming I may cry. Then realize I'm a grown up having a pity party. This won't do. So now what? Worship!
It's all I know to do to put me in a better mood. Not to mention HE is more than worth it. He is more important than my dreams, desires, passions, etc.
He is MORE THAN ENOUGH!!! He is the most important thing in my life. All of the voids I think I have are filled better with HIM anyway. Then I realize
I can wait a little longer than I thought. Not to mention I let him know HE really is EVERYTHING and I've taken time to let Him know I love him.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Palm of His Hand

You know you hear, I'm in the palm of His hand. What does that mean anyway? Well today I've just been thinking
where I am and what I'm doing. I'm being a wife, mommy, daughter, sister (-in-law as well) and thinking what's
going on in my life today. I'm enjoying the things God has given. I have an AMAZING husband, two beautiful children,
family, home, etc. The list could go on. Today I'm counting my blessings. My heart is satisfied and peaceful because
of Him (the Lord). He has aloud me to be in this place and I'm so greatfull. I actually feel like I'm in the Palm of His
Hand. When I don't feel the peace I RUN to the ONE who can give it. I think being greatfull for what you have tells
the Lord you appreciate what he has given and you are spending time enjoying them. I love when I buy my children
something and they actually spend time playing with it and not just throw it to the side and ask for something else.
It makes me feel that they actually have a greatful heart. I'm more apt to get them something else later joyfully because
I know they will appreciate it. Today my encouragement to anyone reading is ENJOY WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN!!!
The PROMISES He has given in the word, the PROTECTION you have as a child of God and the beautiful things you
have in your hand. You will find peace in it and feel like you are in the PALM OF HIS HAND.

Ecclesiastes 5:19-20
Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be
happy in his work- this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied
with gladness of heart.