Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Today I'm working on being content.  What's that mean anyway? Contentment according to Webster means the neuro-physiological experience of satisfaction and being at ease in ones situation, bodymind or body & or mind.  For me today I think it's a choice.  So I start "counting my blessings", as my mother always told me.  Thanking God for everything I can possibly think to thank him for.  Then I look up scripture.  Job 36:11 says, "If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment."  So then I do a check.  Am I obeying and serving?  Yes! Well then... I  have these things.  Prosperity doesn't always mean a ton of money.  It can mean the countless blessings that I just thanked God for.  My needs are met because he promised so there is No Worries there.   Serving? Trying in everyway I know how.  1 Timothy 6:6 says," But godliness with contentment is great gain."  There is Great  peace in contentment and knowing you are doing what God asks.  Not to say any of us are perfect but if we keep on getting better at serving and obeying then we will be better than we were yesterday.  Oh and look for Prosperity and Contentment because He promised they are there! 

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Promise

Just when you think you get a revelation from the Lord... you get to walk it.  I could have done without this week.  So far not so fun.  Our nation seems to be having some growing pains as of late.  People without a job, finances tighter than usual, stress levels out of hand and well the list could go on for days.  Me personally, dabbling in all of these, have come to a screeching halt!  So I begin to pray, "Dad I've done all I know to do, now what?"  Scripture says in Ephesians "... after you have done everything to stand." Ok well standing doesn't pay the bills ... or does it? "But Dad, I plead, things are being taken away and I don't know why. Have I done something wrong? I'll fix it!  Do I need to learn something? ( The answer always Yes )  I know nothing happens in my life that You don't allow. What is it so I can learn it and move on?!!" After a time of sobbing like a little girl who lost her best friend there is a moment of silence.  In that moment a bit of peace sneaks in and I realize I can stay in that moment or I can begin to think about what is hurting me so bad.  This time I decide to stay there because this place is familiar.  The little girl in me knows she is in her Fathers presents.  There is a hush and then a still small voice that says, " Seek first the kingdom Miki." In my heart I complete the sentence. "and ALL these things will be given to you as well."  You see He wants me to take of His business and He will take care of mine.  I know I can trust him.  Even when I don't see change.  So I need to do and then He will do.  He knows what "All these things" are to me.  I am beginning to write songs and that's new for me.  I want to encourage people to love like never before and to understand how real His word is.  May you be encouraged today knowing Your Heavenly Father will take care of your business.  Just take your hand out of it and be busy about His business and before you know it "It will ALL be given to you!"